There are lots of online resources which can help you manage your health. These resources range from advice on common ailments to general tips on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Please find below a few of the key online resources providing by the NHS. Or visit our useful website page to see more third party organisation websites and online resources.
NHS Choices – Health Encyclopaedia
NHS Choices provides an online Health Encyclopaedia for information and advice on your health. It is a useful resource to find out about a current diagnosis and to get information on your treatment. Furthermore, it can help you to self diagnose non-serious medical conditions.
Parents Childhood Health Guide
Every parent or carer wants to know what to do when their child is ill. The Parents & Cares Childhood Health Guide is an online handbook which will help you to care for your child at home, to know when to call the GP and when to call emergency services. This handbook has been put together with help from doctors and other clinicians. If you are worried or and not sure what to do, you must get further advice. Trust your instincts, you know your child better than anybody else and we are here to support you.